World in Flames7 game series map set (4)


Note: This is not the World in Flames collector's edition, it is the 7th edition of World in Flames. Furthermore it is not the 5 maps that come with the Classic World in Flames gameDescription

The World in Flames game series map set includes the North and South America map that comes with America in Flames, the African map from Africa Aflame and the Scandinavian map from Asia Aflame.

The maps are paper maps (unlike World in Flames the Collector's edition) and have the terrain style of 7th edition. However the maps are fully compatible with all versions of World in Flames (including the collector's edition) as the terrain features themselves remain the same.

Pls note: this is not a complete game. The World in Flames7 Game series map set requires World in Flames, America in Flames or Patton in Flames in order to be played.